When people ask me what is most important to me, there are three things I say:

  1. To grow and evolve
  2. To give back
  3. To connect

These are the values by which I try on a daily basis to live my life. These are the values that have led me to the two projects I dedicate my time to.

The first project is more a reflection of my academic life and focuses on providing people with the tools and strategies they need in order to help them embrace change and continuous improvement, whether in their personal lives or professional ones. JTMH Consulting was born from the frustration that there was nobody who had the answers every time I encountered a roadblock and frustration and found myself muttering for someone to just tell me how! Over time, I came to appreciate that this project is far greater than any one individual. So I started putting together what I’d learned and have since spent my time tinkering with materials and reaching out to people who could help improve and add to them so that you got access to the best possible products I could offer.

The second project comes from my first goal to continually grow and evolve as an individual and to better connect with those around me. To endure the lessons life decides to teach me, to be humbled and moulded by it so that I can better serve and engage with others. Like many, I can get caught up in life’s daily grind. And while I can process information rather quickly, my ability to retain it is somewhat limited. In this way, I joke that I’m like a supercomputer goldfish. But this weakness has also proven to be a gift because it has forced me to write down the lessons I’ve learned along the way. These lessons have shaped how I view the world. Some are academic and to do with articles I’m reading at the time, some are spiritual and some are related to simply being human.

My 3 goals for this site are:

  • to not forget the things I’ve learned
  • to connect with people (even if it’s just from people reading my words) and reassure them that although they may feel alone, they are not
  • to share whatever wisdom I come across as quickly as I encounter it so that I can reach as many people as possible and make a positive impact now instead of having to wait until I’m 80+ so that I finally feel like I have enough credibility

There are lessons in every day if you are open to learning them. They can come from the most unlikely places and can often be so fleeting that they’re forgotten almost as quickly. Every day can teach something, if you’re willing to learn.  Sometimes the lessons are just reminders of things you already know and sometimes they make you face your deepest, darkest fears. But unless you are aware of them, you’re depriving yourself of an opportunity to grow. When I was younger, I told myself that I didn’t need to experience things in order to learn them. All I needed to do was observe what I did and didn’t like. Whilst this isn’t exactly true, it did hold some merit. Sometimes you don’t need to make all the mistakes when there’s an easier way. Equally as important, sometimes you just need to know that you’re not alone, that other people are walking the same path beside you, even if you can’t see them. So from now on, every lesson I learn that I think holds some importance or benefit, I will write down here. Hopefully, it helps me to truly embrace the lessons life is trying to teach me along the way.

Your fellow adventurer,
